Guiding your company evolution
Skilled worker shortage, international tensions, and business succession are just a few of the current drivers for change in organizations. Structures, methods, processes, culture or tools demand a scrutiny, as does the product or service. I support companies in taking their evolutionary leap forward until new habits and continuous improvement is established.

Agile & Beyond
New ways of working – Whether it’s with agile or a new buzzword, we’re evolving the way we work. Some practices, like Lean Coffee, are easy to implement. Frameworks such as Scrum require proper training, coaching and, above all, appropriate structures. I will guide you through the jungle of innovative working methods and their prerequisites. In addition to individual assignments as a consultant or coach, I offer several proven service packages. These can be customized to your needs, feel free to inquire.

Servant Leadership
Leadership as a service – Leadership does not just mean making decisions that employees cannot or should not make. Servant leaders also provide a service to their employees: Removing obstacles, providing relevant information in an understandable way, and enabling employees to be as self-directed as possible. This is how you avoid a shortage of skilled workers. As part of my proven service packages. I support you in becoming a Servant Leader. Individual consulting and coaching can be requested as well.

Our age, origin, gender and many other characteristics distinguish us. They give us different experiences and ideas. Often, however, we are not as different as we seem on the outside. Unconscious bias can be overcome enabling genuine teamwork and bringing new professionals into recruiting view. I will help you with this.

Experimental organizational design –culture, processes, structures, methods or tools cannot be changed overnight. They are influenced by people and they influence people, all in an unpredictable outside world. But this complexity can be mastered with routine enabling you to steer your company evolution. With my experience I support you.
Guiding your company evolution
Skilled worker shortage, international tensions, and business succession are just a few of the current drivers for change in organizations. Structures, methods, processes, culture or tools demand a scrutiny, as does the product or service. I support companies in taking their evolutionary leap forward until new habits and continuous improvement is established.
Agile & Beyond
New ways of working – Whether it’s with agile or a new buzzword, we’re evolving the way we work. Some practices, like Lean Coffee, are easy to implement. Frameworks such as Scrum require proper training, coaching and, above all, appropriate structures. I will guide you through the jungle of innovative working methods and their prerequisites. In addition to individual assignments as a consultant or coach, I offer several proven service packages. These can be customized to your needs, feel free to inquire.
Servant Leadership
Leadership as a service – Leadership does not just mean making decisions that employees cannot or should not make. Servant leaders also provide a service to their employees: Removing obstacles, providing relevant information in an understandable way, and enabling employees to be as self-directed as possible. This is how you avoid a shortage of skilled workers. As part of my proven service packages. I support you in becoming a Servant Leader. Individual consulting and coaching can be requested as well.
Our age, origin, gender and many other characteristics distinguish us. They give us different experiences and ideas. Often, however, we are not as different as we seem on the outside. Unconscious bias can be overcome enabling genuine teamwork and bringing new professionals into recruiting view. I will help you with this.
Experimental organizational design –culture, processes, structures, methods or tools cannot be changed overnight. They are influenced by people and they influence people, all in an unpredictable outside world. But this complexity can be mastered with routine enabling you to steer your company evolution. With my experience I support you.
About me
Information about my professional experience and skills can be found here. I will be happy to provide evidence of my qualifications if required.

I offer consulting, coaching as well as training for leaders and teams on agile ways of working and organizational design.. As an independent consultant I can support you in the role of a Senior Agile Coach, Transformation Manager or an Organizational Consultant. You can also specifically request my proven Agile Advisory Services. My services benefit government organizations, large corporations and SME with an interest in agile ways of working.
From Frankfurt am Main, I can reach you quickly in the Rhine-Main area, and if necessary, I can also travel throughout Europe.
News and Remarks

The journey is the reward
Hybris in organizational development - Many organizations want to benefit from agility and have already experimented with it. After initial enthusiasm, they realize: new frameworks and practices do not suffice. If you want all the benefits, you have to adapt the organization as a whole. But there...

Speaker IT-Tage Frankfurt 2023
May 31, 2023
I am honored to give my presentation “the agile transformation is not a waterfall” at the IT Days 2023 conference in Frankfurt.
This IT-conference offers a wide scope of topics from 11. to 14. December. Get your Blind-Bird tickets!
- DevOps
- IT-Security
- Datenbases
- Artificial intelligence
- ChatGPT
- Agile / IT-Management
- Leadership
- Digital
- IT & Ethics
- New Work
- Green IT
- Python
- UX-Design
- … and many others!

May the 4th be with you
May 4, 2023
Self-managing teams pose a threat to traditional leaders by undermining their authority to make decisions, such as about training approval, career development, or promotion. Some might feel downgraded. But they are right in seeing their jobs at risk, at least the way their current leadership roles are defined. What senior executives need to do:
- Let traditional leaders grow into a new leadership style such as agile leadership / servant leadership. Make them understand these jobs aren’t finished by enabling teams to be autonomous.
- Increase your appreciation, also financially, for leaders whose supportive behavior helps teams to become more self-managing. Ensure those leaders who give away their own status receive more respect and ultimately higher status.
agile leadership
servant leadership
may the force be with you
The journey is the reward
Hybris in organizational development - Many organizations want to benefit from agility and have already experimented with it. After initial enthusiasm, they realize: new frameworks and practices do not suffice. If you want all the benefits, you have to adapt the organization as a whole. But there is no blueprint available. Unfortunately, everything is often turned upside down in a hurry. Analysis, design of teams and frameworks, concept for...
Speaker IT-Tage Frankfurt 2023
May 31, 2023
I am honored to give my presentation “the agile transformation is not a waterfall” at the IT Days 2023 conference in Frankfurt.
This IT-conference offers a wide scope of topics from 11. to 14. December. Get your Blind-Bird tickets!
- DevOps
- IT-Security
- Datenbases
- Artificial intelligence
- ChatGPT
- Agile / IT-Management
- Leadership
- Digital
- IT & Ethics
- New Work
- Cloud, Kubernetes & Serverless
- Green IT
- Test & Quality
- Python
- Web, App, JavaScript
- UX-Design
- Container
- Infrastructure
- IoT & Industry 4.0
- … and many others!
About me
Information about my professional experience and skills can be found here. I will be happy to provide evidence of my qualifications if required.
I offer consulting, coaching as well as training for leaders and teams on agile ways of working and organizational design.. As an independent consultant I can support you in the role of a Senior Agile Coach, Transformation Manager or an Organizational Consultant. You can also specifically request my proven Agile Advisory Services. My services benefit government organizations, large corporations and SME with an interest in agile ways of working.
From Frankfurt am Main, I can reach you quickly in the Rhine-Main area, and if necessary, I can also travel throughout Europe.